今年もヴィーガンクリスマスケーキをまとめてみましたので、 是非ともご覧ください! 投稿していないケーキありましたら教えて下さい~
去年のリストは こちら
Halokada Vegansweets Lab ハル オカダ
嘉山農園いちごのヴィーガンショートケーキ (店頭お渡しのみ) ¥6,300 15cm (ナッツフリー可能)
ピスタチオとフランボワーズのショコラ•ド•ノエル (通販のみ) Coming soon ¥TBA
Order here
ご予約期間: 12/17 (fri) - Order online to pick up 12/21 (tue) - 12/25(sat)
Ts Restaurant
大人気ヴィーガンレストランTs Restaurant。おせちもやっているみたい。
イチゴのクリスマスショートケーキ (グルテンフリー・ナッツフリー) ¥4,200 incl. tax 12cm (also available in 15cm at ¥5,200)
4種のナッツと濃厚ミルクチョコのクリスマスケーキ ¥5,400 incl. tax 9x15cm
See post here
ご予約期間 12/4 (sat)まで - 数量限定! By email: tsrestaurant.rv@gmail.com, Instagram Direct Message or phone 03-3717-0831.
Miki Koubou Sweets みき工房
卵・牛乳・乳製品・白砂糖不使用。(小麦粉⇒米粉に変更可能。) フルーツを使用して冷凍しますと、解凍した時に水分が出て美味しくない為、通販の場合フルーツは使わずにご用意しております。(渡し可能)
X’masマロンデコレーション(15cm/18cm) ¥4,600 15cm (¥5,400 for 18cm) Order here
秋冬のパーティーBOX ¥4,800 118cm 2 x 4 different flavors 1. Marron cake with Chestnuts 2. Salty Caramel cake with Pecan and Almond nuts 3. Classic Gâteau au chocolat 4. Sweet Potato Potato Apple Pie Order here
X’masいちごデコレーション(15cm/18cm) ¥4,400 15cm (¥4,900 for 18cm) Order here
X’masチョコデコレーション(15cm/18cm) ¥4,400 15cm (¥4,850 for 18cm) Order here
X'mas 米粉ガトー ¥4,350 15cm (¥5,180 for 18cm) Order here
Chaya Macrobiotics チャヤ マクロビオティックス
クリスマス 苺のショートケーキ バニラムース仕立て(グルテンフリー) ¥5,980 15cm (6-8 people) 店舗でお渡しです Order here
ご予約期間 11/1 (月)〜数量限定販売につき、予定数に達し次第終了となります。受取日:12/24(金)
Coconut Dream Bakery
クリスマスホワイトロゼッタケーキ ¥3,800~ excl. tax
クリスマスボストンクリームケーキ ¥3,800~ excl. tax Order cakes here
Order here
ご予約期間 12/15 (tue) Delivery between 12/16 ~ 12/25
マジックマウイアイスケーキ ¥4,617 (incl. shipping) incl. decorations Order here
ご予約期間 〜12月20日20時 お届けの期間:12月18日以降より日時指定可能
AIN SOPH. アインソフ
皆さんに愛されている東京のVEGAN(ヴィーガン) レストラングループ 。すべての種類はグルテンフリー
ご予約期間 受け取り日:2021年12月22日(水)~12月25日(土)の4日のうちいずれか 決済完了の先着100名様にはお花のミニブーケをプレゼントします・キャンセル出来ない。
Biokura ビオクラ
クリスマスのためのベリーと米粉のケーキ ¥4,800 incl. tax 13 x 6 cm Order here
ご予約期間 数量限定。〜12月21日(火)まで→ 12月18日(土)〜12月25日(土)
A vegan and gluten-free sweets take-out store in Daikanyama. Store pick-up only!
Strawberry Christmas Shortcake (without soy cream) ¥5,800 incl. tax 12cm (also available in 15cm ¥9,100)
Montblanc Christmas Tart topped with Chestnut syrup ¥6,300 incl. tax 12cm (also available in 15cm ¥9,600)
Classic Chocolate Christmas Cake topped with Strawberry ¥5,500 incl. tax 12cm (also available in 15cm ¥8,800) Order per IG message here or phone
ご予約期間 Order early (limited quantities) to pick up 12/3 - 12/25 (other days on request)
Coco Chou Chou
Coco Chou Chou offers three beautiful Christmas cakes that come with decorations. They offer gluten-, refined sugar free and raw cakes and specifically mention not using gelatin.
Orange Chocolate Gluten free Christmas Cake ¥4,580 incl. tax 15cm (4-6 people) (also available in 12cm)
Raw, Gluten- and Refined Sugar free Strawberry Christmas Cake ¥4,580 incl. tax 15 cm (4-6 people) (also available in 12cm)
Raw, Gluten- and Refined Sugar free Tiramisu Christmas Cake ¥4,580 incl. tax 15 cm (4-6 people) (also available in 12cm)
BONUS: Christmas style ginger cookies topping (¥500)
Order here
ご予約期間 Delivery between 12/15 (wed) - 12/23 (thu). Raw cakes can be kept frozen for a month.
VMall is a brand new online shop that collects all of the best vegan products. They offer a great lineup of vegan Christmas cakes. For Example:
Strawberry Mouse Christmas Cake by Taiwanese Restaurant Kourakuen ¥5,500 incl. tax
Raw Strawberry Christmas Cake by Maple Raw ¥4,500 incl. tax 12 cm
Japanese Ohagi Christmas Special Box by Wahana ¥5,980 incl. tax 15 cm (4-6 people) (also available in 12cm)
Order here
ご予約期間 Order until 12/20 (mon) - see instructions for each cake/store in the VMall shop.
Esprit de gâteau
Allergy friendly cakes, without dairy, eggs and wheat. Offers several cakes in their Rakuten shop, including two cute, smaller Christmas cakes.
Allergens free Christmas Cake Chocolate, incl. candles ¥2,500 incl. tax 12cm (2-4 people)
Allergens free Christmas Cake Strawberry, incl. candles ¥2,500 incl. tax 12cm (2-4 people) *last year I was contacted by a follower who called the company and said the strawberry cake uses cochineal and is not Vegan. The ingredients are listed and seem OK - please confirm with the buyer in case of doubt.
Order here
ご予約期間 Order by 12/21 (sun) to receive between 12/20 (sun) and 12/25 (fri)
What is better than cake AND ice cream?! These ridiculously extravagant gelato ice cakes, including emulsifiers and stabilizers, are free from all 28 main allergens next to vegan, also soy-, wheat- and almond free! The cakes are made with e.g. rice milk, coconut cream and cookies made from chickpea flower. They do use white sugar. Cakes can be delivered or picked up in one of their stores.
Milky Raspberry Lychee Christmas Gelato Cake ¥3,996 12 x 6cm
2-Layer Berry & Chocolate Christmas Gelato Cake ¥4,860 incl.tax 12 x 7cm
Order here
ご予約期間 Order by 12/15 (wed) Ships within 4-7 working days once the payment has been confirmed.
Le Paysan
A French cuisine restaurant in Kagawa Prefecture that offers Wheat-, dairy-, alcohol- , honey- and gelatin- and five pungent roots free; suitable for vegan, halal, and macrobiotic oriental vegans. Cakes available for pickup or delivery.
Strawberry Vanilla Cream Christmas Cake ¥4,500 15cm
Mont Blanc Christmas Cake with large Chestnuts ¥4,500 15cm
Matcha Gâteau opéra Christmas Cake ¥4,500 15cm
Soy Cream Christmas Cake with Strawberries ¥4,500 15cm
Order here
ご予約期間 12/15 (wed) per phone only! (0877-63-5570) to pick up between 12/22 (wed) and 12/25 (sat) - early bird prices till 12/03 (fri).
Takaki Health Care Foods
Allergen-free cakes made with rice flour and soy cream. All cake ornaments are included and they also offer KIDS Character/Anime Cakes in three different styles. All ingredients are listed.
Colorful Christmas Fruit Cake ¥4,104 15cm (4-6 people)
Christmas Chocolate Cake with Strawberry and Raspberry ¥3,996 15cm (4-6 people)
Christmas Cakes Assortment - 3x soy cream peach 4x strawberry soy cream with strawberries 2x chocolate cream with milk-free chocolate hearts ¥4,212 5cm x 9 cakes
Order here
ご予約期間 12/8 (wed) to receive between 12/21 (tue) and 12/23 (thu)
Ito Yokado
Maybe not the most traditional-looking Christmas cake, but this 4-nuts tart made by Biokura sounds very tasty and is widely available. The ingredients include liqour.
Biokura X'Mas 4 nuts Almond Cream Tart ¥2,916 incl. tax 14 x5cm (4-6 people) See availability here (select your local store) here
ご予約期間 12/12 (sun) to pick-up 12/22 (wed) 12/24 (fri)
Seven Eleven
Widely available and quite affordable. Reviews have been mixed, but it seems to be a safe, easy option - either delivery or store-pickup.
Soymilk Strawberry Cream Cake with Fruit ¥3,348 incl. tax 15×4.5cm (4-6 people)
Rice Flour and Soy Milk Chocolate Cream Bûche de Noël ¥3,672 incl. tax 8×16×5.4cm (3-4 people)
Order here
ご予約期間 12/17 (fri) to receive between 12/20 (mon) and 12/23 (thu)
12/19 (sun) to receive between 12/24 (fri) and 12/25 (sat)
Lawson, Family Mart & AEON
I am not sure if the cake these three companies offer is the exact same one, but the pictures and ingredients look almost identical. One of the cheapest, simplest options, with peach instead of the strawberry-heavy Seven version. Cakes can be picked-up or delivered.
Allergen free Soy Cream and Fruits Christmas Cake 15 x 4.5cm (4-6 people) Lawson: ¥3,190 Family Mart: ¥3,186 AEON: ¥3,186, incl. tax
Order Deadline: Lawson: 12/10 (fri) to pick up between 12/19 (sun) and 12/25 (sat)
or Early bird 11/23 (tue) to receive between 12/2 (thu) and 12/18 (sat) Order here
Family Mart:
12/16 (thu) to pick up between 12/19 (sun) and 12/23 (thu) 12/20 (mon) to pick up 12/24 (fri) and 12/25 (sat)
Order here
12/17 (fri) to pick up between 12/22 (wed) and 12/25 (sat)
Order here
Natural Fukurou
Online organic sweets shop offering cakes without eggs, dairy and refined sugar. *clearly mentions macrobiotic, but not vegan. Contact seller to be sure.
Macrobiotic Gâteau au Chocolat ¥3,888 incl. tax 15cm (4-8 people) (also available in 12cm) Order here
ご予約期間 12/12 (sun) to receive between 12/16 (thu) and 12/24 (fri)
Still haven't found your perfect cake? Be sure to keep an eye on Cake JP as they line up keeps changing and expanding. Some cakes are available for only a limited amount of time, so be sure to keep an eye on the deadlines.
Browse here
The following businesses were listed last year, but have not published their offering for this year (yet).
Shochiku-en Cafe
Animal product-free cafe and online shop with mouthwatering foods and homemade cakes! Famous for their vegan "newkuman" and rainbow cake. The regular cakes are available year-round.
1. Strawberry Shortcake ¥3,200 incl. tax 12cm (¥5,500 18cm, ¥9,600 24cm)
2. Rainbow Cake ¥4,200 incl. tax 12cm (¥6,500 18cm, ¥10,600 24cm)
3. Chocolate Mousse Cake ¥3,200 incl. tax 12cm (¥4,800 18cm, ¥8,600 24cm)
4. Tiramisu ¥3,500 incl. tax 12cm (¥5,600 18cm, ¥9,800 24cm)
Bio C Bon
Organic Supermarket with a lot of vegan products. This year the online Christmas cakes are both not vegan. Vegan options may be available in-store.
Vegan Gâteaux de Voyage Cream Cake (coconut cream)
¥4,320 incl. tax 12cm
Vegan Gâteaux de Voyage Chocolate Cream Cake (coconut cream)
¥4,536 incl. tax 12cm
*5% discount pre-order!
Catalog here (order in-store only)
Order Deadline: 12/20 (sun) to receive between 12/19 (sat) and 12/25 (fri)
Merci Cinq
Egg-, dairy- and refined sugar free sweets shop in Kawasaki famous for their madeleines.
Cafe passionate to serve delicious food for all people, regardless of food allergies and whether or not you can or wish to eat meat. Their specialty is their unique and healthy "enzyme brown rice".
X'mas Special: Black Sesame and Banana Chocolate Cake with Salty Pretzels ¥4,320 incl. tax 15 x 3 cm
X'mas Special: Amazake and Strawberry Jam Cheesecake ¥3,780 incl. tax 15 x 4,5 cm
Order here
Allergens- and Vegan friendly, organic-as-far-as-possible sweets cafe in Nagano.
2020 Raw Christmas Cake (GF) Strawberry and raw white chocolate on organic almonds- and dates base ¥5,800 incl. tax
Scheduled shipping date: 12/20 (Sun) to arrive 21 (Mon) ~ 23 (Wed) Pick up possible.
Order here
Extra mentions
Vegan Simme
In-store pick up in Mie Prefecture only. ¥3,800 incl. tax 12/24 and 12/25
View here
Kick Back Cafe
No designated Christmas cakes this year, but beautiful cakes and full English service! starting at¥3,300 incl. tax View here
The Pink Cow
The Pink Cow in Tokyo offers California-Mexican soul food with Vegan options. Last year they did a vegan menu "as grandma does it" for Thanksgiving and Christmas, including a piece of homemade vegan dessert. Keep an eye on their shop or Facebook page here for updates this year.
Please Share and Like this post on my blog, Facebook and Instagram and do let me know which cake you have ordered!